Star Kids Baltic photo casting in Riga!
In 2022 we resumed the work of the Riga branch after a long break due to government restrictions and start again to prepare worthy candidates for international fashion weeks and other top events. In order to create an expanded model base as well as to discover new talents for Star Kids main board we hold several few additional photo castings this summer. Best candidates will get opportunity to join us for model practice and fashion shows in Italy already in the autumn.
Boys & girls in age 2-19 can apply!

What gives our photo casting for a new candidate?
- Under attentive instruction the child experiences posing and expressing emotions in a photo studio, the ability to switch between images and interact with the team on the set
- Feedback for parents about the potential and directions of development for the child
- The best 5-10 professional photos as a basis of a child's portfolio
- Participants of photo castings get into the agency database for 1 year, available for the projects, which don't require professional talents and models
- Consideration of children over 4 years old also into Star Kids main board for building their peofessional career, teenagers over 15 years old also in the partner "adult" modeling agency
Opportinities for the kids in our database:
Be the first to receive information about Star Kids castings & projects
Apply further without having to go through a live casting
Despite the lack of professional training, the opportunity to get into advertising, if we need children for extras or other simple roles, or if we need exactly the type of child, undergo intensive training for a specific role / shooting
If according to the assessment of the potential, the child receives an invitation to Star Kids main board, you can use the invitation to join any time during the year without re-casting. The career development of our main board children takes place according to the program "School of the Rising Star (read more)".
Regardless of the feedback and the beginning / absence of child's career in the agency, each participant of the photo casting receives ready photos for own family memories.
Summer photo casting in Riga will take place on the:
On Thursday 25.07
On Tuesday 6.08
On Thursday 29.08
Each candidate will get own personal appointment during the
mentioned dates and time frames.
Registration fee - 65 eur

What is the difference between photo casting and our art photo projects?
- Children under 4 years old can participate (because we receive a lot of requests from parents of kids)
- Less time and financial costs
- No styling from our side, the parent brings the child in a neat appearance according to instructions received in advance
- No decorations and accessories, which makes it easier for the most modest and inexperienced candidates
- More concise photos, focus on helping the child with poses and emotions


Apply via Instagram @starkids_agency or e-mail, mentioning name, age, home city of the child, phone number (number of the parent, if under 18y), most suitable casting date and attaching 2 photos (portrait and full-length) with subject line "Photo casting in Riga/Tallinn". If mentioned dates don't work for you, you can still send an application and we will save it to let you know about the next casting season.
Is it possible to come to a photo casting if you have already been to our regular live casting / online casting / art photo project? Yes, you can come for professional studio photos and posing practice.

Children and teenagers completed Star Kids professional trainings take part in the best international fashion events and are highly appreciated for their skills and personal qualities.
One of the recent highlights was Star Kids appearance on Milan Fashion Week catwalk (February 2022):

Follow our daily news and beautiful photos on the official facebook page and Instagram page @starkids_agency